Swap Zap

Swap Zap

Pam can run and jump around in an increasingly hazardous space-truck, dodging falling blocks and dangers that slowly fill the cargo holds.
Enemies pop out of the space-trucks nooks and corners to gnaw at our heroine.

As if that wasn´t enough Pam needs to collect all power cores in each level in order to start her ship.

The only tool available to her is the Swap-Zapper which enables its user to change places with anything it zaps!

With this tool Pam can instantly climb to high places, teleport blocks to crush enemies, zap away ticking time bombs and switch places with sharp cargo falling straight for her.

Each level of the game takes place in a cargo container of the huge space truck.

The objective of each level is to collect all the power cores needed to open the airlock into the next hold, effectively shrinking the distance between Pam and the control room of the spacecraft.

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