
Rygar is an action-adventure game released by Tecmo in 1986. The game is developed on an existing storyline. The peaceful land of Argool has been occupied by the army of Ligar’s enemies. In this situation, Rygar – an Argool protector who died several billion years ago used his magic to escape the tomb to perform an important task. With his existing weapons, his Disk Armor and other weapons, he will begin his mission to bring peace to Argool before Ligar’s rule.

Players will control the protagonist Rygar to attack enemies to complete his mission. They will go through 5 stages of the game with increasing difficulty. Passing each stage will help Rygar meet an Indora god. The god will provide information to search for Ligar and bestow him with some powerful items. To meet the gods, he must destroy the enemies that appear to hinder his journey. He will easily destroy them when gathering them to destroy. Using your shield to collide with whatever is nearby will make all enemies gathered together. After that, Rygar will use the shield to attack them. This will help him advance faster with the next stage. Rygar will be given a certain amount of life at the start of the journey. If he dies, he will run out of magic power and return to his grave. Eliminating enemies will help Rygar collect items to regain physical strength and gain additional lives. At the end of each stage, he will have to destroy a boss to be able to meet the god. Using his high jump ability, he will stun the opponent by jumping down suddenly at the enemy. Defeating the boss will give Rygar bonuses, physical regeneration items, and sometimes new weapons.

The game allows the player to choose any stage to start. However, completing the stages one by one will help Rygar gather enough weapons and stamina to complete the following stages. When meeting the god at the end of each stage, Rygar will start a conversation with the god to get information about the next stage. At the end of the conversation, he will collect some bonuses and items to upgrade existing weapons. Successful weapon upgrades will make Rygar’s power soar, easily defeating enemies. He will gain great power from being empowered by gods and upgrading weapons. In the final stage, Rygar will use his power to destroy Ligar, bringing peace to Argool.

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