Our adventure begins in Beatle Town, a small town located northwest of the Quintueles region. Our protagonist is a normal kid, without ambitions, who right now only seeks to live in the moment. His friend Joshua is the same or worse, another troublemaker. They have both been putting off the Pokémon journey for many years, but the day has finally come, for better or worse. During the adventure you will meet a wide variety of extravagant and charismatic characters who will liven things up a bit. Numerous original events and the most diverse craziness will cross your path: Blind murderers, furrys, junkies of all kinds, death itself… etc.
Totally new region.
New story with new characters.
Game with classic structure: 8 gyms.
Day and night cycle and Pokédex until Gen 7 (Gen 8 is planned to be included).
It’s all very funny.
New regional forms.