Phantasy Star Portable 2 – Infinity

Ethan Waber and his sister Lumia Waber are present at the 100th anniversary of the Space Alliance Fleet on GUARDIANS space station. Suddenly, a mysterious meteor shower almost completely destroys the fleet. During the evacuation of Ethan and the infamous Lumia, Leo – a member of the Union Space Fleet, they were attacked by a strange creature, Leo was mortally wounded. In order to save his friend, Ethan killed the strange monster. Noticing Ethan’s great talent, Leo decided to persuade him to join GUARDIANS. Under the training of Karen Erra – a famous notorious character at GUARDIANS, they possessed an extremely strong power to fight SEED – monsters coming from meteorite fragments. With their relentless fighting efforts, SEED is quickly defeated and sealed, returning peace on its planet. At the end of the battle, they realized that the material resources in the Gurhal galaxy were exhausted. It is precisely because biology plans to migrate its people to another planet based on the latest “sub-space sailing theory” technology. Their new journey begins.

Phantasy Star Portable 2 an action role-playing game is the next version of Phantasy Star Portable and is released on December 3, 2019. Starting the game, you will be given the choice of characters and the freedom to choose your get points for characters such as the face, gender, voice, … Even very small details such as eye color, eyebrows, … are also freely picked. Each character will have a separate costume system with countless eye-catching suits in each battle situation.
Remain the same gameplay as in its predecessors, the quest will appear whenever the character enters a new playing area. Every mission will have to be completed before destroying opponents playing in the area and forced to destroy the last boss to win in that place. Along the way, your character will have to collect weapons, armor, money and other useful items to serve the next match.
However, compared to games of the same genre, the graphics of Phantasy Star Portable 2 – Infinity have not been appreciated yet because the character designs are not meticulous, but different between the character and the battle area. There is a lot of contrast. But I believe this is just a small minus of the game and it absolutely does not affect the quality of your game experience.

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