Mega Man 3: Ultimate Edition

Mega Man 3: Ultimate Edition

Mega Man 3 Ultimate Edition brings uyou dozens of bug fixes, reduces lag by 70%, and re-injects a number unused graphics. The new introduction sequence by PStart and Mega Man USA has been included, too! It’s robot rebellion, and nobody’s safe! Least of all, Mega Man! This time the super-powerful cyborg takes on a horde of metal maniacs who’ve had it with being obedient! And they use every android-annihilator ever invented to make you believe it! Mega Man goes berserk, blasting through a galaxy of mining stations in search of energy crystals. But it takes more than guts to battle the phenomenal robot masters who control these worlds. It’s a wrenching job, the worst – and the best – that Mega Man’s faced so far!

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