LEGO Star Wars III – The Clone Wars

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is the third LEGO Star Wars game for PC, Xbox 360, and other platforms. Traveller’s Tales, the company that made all of the other LEGO games, made this one (including LEGO Batman, Harry Potter, and Indiana Jones).


LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars You take part in a space war between the Republic and the Separatists called the “Clone Wars.” The story is told from the point of view of about a dozen different heroes, and when the main level is finished, new ones become available. Since the game is based on a popular animated TV show, you get to meet many characters who only appeared in the show. The story is split into three parts, each focusing on a different villain: Count Dooku, General Grievous, and Asajj Ventress. Each scenario has six missions that match up with six episodes of the TV show.


The Clone Wars represent the LEGO series from Traveller’s Tales for PC, X360, and other platforms. The game has a few dozen levels that can be completed alone or with another player (when playing alone, you can freely switch between characters). The game is an action-adventure platformer with puzzles to solve, enemies to beat, and hidden items to find. It’s hard to believe how many secrets there are, and it takes a lot of time and effort to see them all.

In other missions, you can fly a starfighter and shoot down Separatist ships. Battles on the surface of planets are a brand-new part of the game. You can lead a squad of clones or ride around in an AT-TE walker, build an army, kill the enemy, and take control of strategic points on the map. In addition to the main story missions, the developers made a lot of extra levels where you can play as Count Dooku or General Grievous and lead the Separatists against the Republic armies.


As a point of interest, you should talk about the new visuals, which are more detailed and look better than before. This was done with a whole new way of lighting the room. Even though the backgrounds look more accurate, the characters are still made of LEGO bricks. At the same time, the developers were able to keep the space saga’s feel, thanks in large part to the great music by John Williams, who wrote the piece for the original Star Wars movies.

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