J.League Live 64

J.League Live 64

Ever play FIFA Soccer 64, or maybe FIFA 96 on PSX? Don’t repress those memories just yet! For better or (more likely) for worse, J. League fell cleanly in the middle of 3D FIFA development in every conceivable way. Controls, gameplay, environmental design–it’s all a bit…different. J. League Live 64 is developed directly from the PSX FIFA 96 title; there’s certainly enough remnants left hanging around. FIFA 64 contains no references to its PSX predecessor but does contain a load of residual Japanese resources. Release dates mean nothing with these trash-fire promotional tie-ins; their progression is obvious to anyone with eyes.
Just to be clear: this is not some “hidden gem”. It’s everything you’ve come to loathe from FIFA’s first foray into 3D.

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