Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy

Iron Tank is a shooting game produced by SNK for Famicom and Nintendo in 1988. This game is a development version of Arcade TNK that was released in 1985. Iron Tank has the same controls and tasks as Arcade TNK. However, Iron Tank has some changes in graphics and gameplay. Set in World War II, players will play a commando soldier, codenamed SNAKE. After his base was attacked, many of his comrades were captured by the Nazis. After the Nazi attack, he was seriously injured, but he survived and was not arrested. SNAKE himself built a tank equipped with powerful weapons to invade the German army base.

The game opens with a SNAKE tank preparing to land from an aircraft on an empty beach. After that, the tank itself moves forward. You will control the battle tank with many different enemies, including soldiers, tanks of all kinds, and fixedly placed cannons. The attack power of tanks is quite weak at the beginning of the game. After defeating the enemy, they will drop their weapons. You can pick up their weapons to increase the offensive ability of the tank. When hit by an enemy’s bullet, you will lose an amount of HP depending on the strength of the enemy. Characters will lose a life if their hp is depleted. If the character dies, the effect of the weapon you get will be invalidated and will use the weapon with the weakest attack. After being revived, you will be protected from enemy attacks for a short time. You can restore lost HP by picking up a cross-shaped item after defeating an enemy. If you’re lucky, you can pick up heart-shaped items that will increase your life. Players will have the opportunity to rescue the captured comrades. One of them can give you information so you can complete the level faster. Iron Tank is divided into several levels, like most of Nintendo’s shooters. At the end of each level, a final boss will appear. You will have to destroy bosses to come to the next level. One difference with other shooters is that you can choose many different directions to reach the final level. Depending on the path you want, the level will have different difficulties.

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