Happy Lesson

Happy Lesson is a visual novel adventure game based on the manga with the same name which also spanned anime TV series. The story follows a young orphan who ends up living with five female teachers who in turn try to be a mother figure to him as well as to teach him various subjects and prepare him to be a good student endowed with knowledge. During the location selection, player can choose to go to school, to town, or back home, and to a specific location at each of the places, such as to go a a school’s pool area, or to school’s roof, or when in town to go to the beach, downtown, etc. and finally, at his own place the selection of rooms are available such as living room, kitchen, or bedroom. Throughout the course of the day several locations can be visited, and each will trigger a different CG event scene and possible conversation with one of your teachers. Bonus features which can be accessed via main menu include unlockable CG gallery and special Dreamcast Internet page access with additional game-related content for more fun.

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