Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan is a strategy game produced and developed on Nintendo by Koei in 1987. In the game, players will play Genghis Khan or one of the generals of neighbouring countries including Alexios I (Byzantine), Richard (England) or Yoritomo (Japan). The objective of the player is to arrange politics, the military, appoint family members to government positions to acquire national politics for the purpose of conquering the world.

The game consists of two main modes. The first mode is the Mongol Conquest, which began in 1175 AD. Players take control of Lord Temujin. Your goal is to develop the economy and the military for your country to conquer other lands. The second mode is the World Conquest. In this mode, the game is divided into two main parts: conquering Mongol or conquering the world. These two parts are similar in gameplay, the only difference is in the big map.

For World conquest mode, players start the game by selecting up to 4 players and the difficulty level. If it is your first time playing, you should not choose level 3 or higher. Then you will have to choose the character you want to role-play. Next, you must create an index and an heir to your character. These stats will determine the six main attributes in the game. Each time you control a character to perform an action, the stats may change depending on the action you perform. However, these indicators can be improved by training. You can let your champion practice continuously to keep the stats as high as possible. Two of the six stats that can only be increased but not reduced are the number of battles and battle experience. To build an army, you need to train or buy mercenaries from merchants. Buying mercenaries is the most effective way to increase numbers. However, that will cost you a lot of money. You can earn money by collecting taxes or selling items to merchants. Normally, you should keep 80 – 100 soldiers in the area to prevent surprise attacks from enemies. If you want to capture any area, bring as many soldiers as you can. That both increased the victory rate and reduced the consumption of troops. Also, keep an eye on your neighbours, which will inform a lot about your future decisions.

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