
Anticipation is a board game developed by Rare and published by Nintendo in 1988. The game has several modes: one player, two players and more than two players. Anticipation’s maximum number of players is 4 and they will compete against each other. Before you begin, you will have to determine the number of real players and the number of virtual players. We will also have to set the difficulty level for the game. The total number of players will not be able to pass 4 people (including real and virtual players). If the number of players exceeds 4, then the system will report an error and will have to reselect the number. To play the game, you will have to use NES dedicated controller. If there are 2 actual players or more, they can share control of each other with a controller.

Anticipation combines elements from the game boards Pizz and Trivial Pursuit. There are 4 symbols including a pair of high heels, ice cream, a Bulge, a teddy bear. Each player will be shown by one of the 4 icons. The game has 2 modes of play including predicting the path following a certain rule or a certain puzzle. For example with the way to predict the path, the task of the player is to predict the next drawn line. There will be a die counting from 6 to 1 while the game is drawing the paths. The player will have to predict the number of subsequent paths corresponding to the dice index, with a time allowed of 25 seconds. Players will be allowed to continue their turn if they correctly predict the rules. If the prediction is wrong or after 25 seconds cannot be found, the player will lose the turn and give the right to play to the next player. When looking for a person the key. If it’s the player’s turn, then that person will win.

As for the method of solving puzzles, there will be 4 different types of puzzles for players to experience in each level (easy, medium and hard). Each type corresponds to one of the 4 colors shown on the screen: blue, green, pink and yellow. If you correctly solve a puzzle, you receive it by its color and move to the next position. When you do not answer correctly or no other player can solve the puzzle, a new color puzzle will appear after the end of the 4-player round. If a player collects all four colors, then the player wins.

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