Simple 2000 Series DC Vol.03: Fureai: The Renai Simulation

The story revolves around Shunhei Yahagi (矢萩 俊平), a 19-year old high-school graduate who failed to enter the college of his choosing. Due to the circumstance, he takes on the role of an assistant teacher in a summer course school managed by Natsumi Yahagi (矢萩 なつみ), his older sister. There he helps younger students, who just happen to be all girls, learn for their exams. While taking the position of an assistant teacher, his relationship with the student, as well as other girls he meets start to evolve. This romance oriented visual novel adventure game comes with all the expected gameplay elements that are usually found in the genre such as hiding on-screen text in order to see clear background picture or branching story based on player’s actions and dialogue choices. The background locations use the processed actual photos, while the characters use typical anime art. Background image is obscured by a frame pattern which makes the location art displayed in widescreen. During the gameplay, the current location, time of day, and the title of a background track currently playing are displayed.

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