Plus Plum is an action puzzle game released in Japan in 1999 and published by Takuyo. Gameplay is similar to Tetris where red, blue, yellow, green, white, or purple spheres drop from the top of the screen one at a time and must be matched with similar colors in an adjacent row. The player places the spheres and that toggle in color as they fall from red to blue, yellow to green, or white to purple. If three or more spheres of similar color are dropped adjacent to one another, the line of spheres will disappear, and any spheres above will fall to next level. All spheres touching the line that disappears will switch to their alternate colors. The twist on the typical Tetris-gameplay is that the spheres fall onto a platform that can only hold so much weight before it gradually gives way under the strain of too many spheres and gets pushed to the bottom of the screen.
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