
July is a mystery adventure game that follows the story of two young men, Makoto Tanimura (19-year old) and Joshua (29-year old) who set on a quest to uncover the mystery behind a bombing that took place several years ago. The story of the two play separately in their own chapters and can be progressed in any order, one chapter at the time. While their stories start separately, their paths cross when they uncover the truth behind the bombing and how it all ties to a secret corporation known as NAX. July is more of a visual novel where player advances through dialogues and choices, and travels to different locations, than typical adventure with clickable objects and inventory items. The map is a big part of interface and chooses many locations that player can visit as events are triggered by visiting the right place at the right time. The game uses anime style character art with pre-rendered backgrounds and occasional pre-rendered animated cut-scenes. There is no voice-acting, however, neither for player characters nor for NPCs.

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