Undead Knights

Undead Knights is a story that takes place in the medieval ages and tells the tale of a puppet king, his strange queen, and a treacherous betrayal. In response to Romulus’s suspicions regarding the queen’s allegiance, the monarch gave the order to have all of Romulus’s family members put to death by his soldiers.

You can take on the role of Knight Romulus, his younger brother Remus, or Sylvia, both Remus’ wife and the daughter of the King. As they lay there dying, the three form a contract with an evil spirit, and when they come back, they are infused with unholy power and intent on exacting retribution.

Players must turn their enemies into zombie enslaved people as they approach the King. You can give these zombies orders to attack or pin down your opponents, destroy barriers or items, or even create unliving bridges to overcome obstacles. In addition, zombie minions can be used as inhuman shields, objects to be tossed, and various other things.

The game plays in a manner comparable to that of Tecmo’s 3D Ninja Gaiden titles and has a metal soundtrack, a third-person viewpoint, and gameplay. Along the way, players will acquire “Dark Energy,” which can later be used to upgrade various aspects of their characters. In addition to the story mode for a single player, Undead Knights support ad-hoc multiplayer for a maximum of four players.

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