The Lord of the Rings – Tactics

The Lord of the Rings: Tactics is a brand-new strategy game set in Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. From the first combat at Weathertop through the last battles at Minas Tirith and Mordor, players experience the entire trilogy.

In contrast to other tactics games, which are purely turn-based affairs, The Lord of the Rings: Tactics innovates in its system. Players make their moves in tandem with the AI, and then everything happens. In this manner, players must anticipate their opponents’ plans and attempt to prevent them from occurring. The action moves significantly faster than in a traditional tactics game.

The game has over 24 stages and includes the great majority of characters from the movie, including Aragorn and Gandalf, the hobbits, and crucial villains like Saruman and the Balrog. Players can pick between good and evil campaigns, allowing them to experience the entire game from different perspectives.

Characters can level up, earn powers, and buy gear between levels, similar to EA’s The Third Age game. Because the conflicts are primarily minor skirmishes, your characters’ characteristics and abilities (or lack thereof) can quickly determine the outcome of engagements.

Finally, the game has a multiplayer skirmish mode for up to four players. Players use a flexible point system to buy units and friends, choose a fight site, and try to take out each other’s teams.

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