Super Robot Taisen MX Portable

The story takes place in one stage Post-war in the future when the Earth is gradually recovering after two fierce wars, the conflict between the robots is increasingly tense, causing the war between them to explode. To protect peace on his planet, players will be transformed into an army of robots. Each individual robot will have different combat skills, so it is necessary to consider the attack and defense team that best suits his squad. In addition, the robots will be equipped with a shield to deflect the attack to reduce the level of injury, the more shield will appear when your character is at a higher level, i.e. protection will be increased. Along with that, all weapons in the game are upgraded, so choosing the right weapon for each match is important. Attack systems with continuous punches, breathtaking finishes, and dodging dips are also added in this version. A new feature for this version is in the revival mode, which allows players to choose the ability to customize skills and tactics during the character revival process.

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