Star Wars – The Force Unleashed

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, a videogame made by LucasArts, will continue the Star Wars story in November. Players will take on the role of Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice, and the game promises to reveal new things about the Star Wars galaxy. The big story, which was made with George Lucas’s help, takes place between Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope, which hasn’t been seen much in the movies. In it, players will help the most famous bad guy in Star Wars get rid of all the Jedi, and their choices could change their lives.

Players take on the role of Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice and hunt Jedi between Episodes III and IV.

#Use and improve the Secret Apprentice’s four central Force powers—Force push, grip, repulse, and lightning—throughout the game. You can also combine them in ways that have never been seen before to make super-destructive combos.

# Ways the Force has been used in ways no one thought possible:

*The Secret Apprentice won’t just push enemies into walls; he’ll make them through them with the Force.

*The Secret Apprentice won’t just grab his enemies with the Force and throw them away; he’ll catch them in midair, hit them with lightning, and then drop them to the ground, where they’ll explode like a bomb.

#Players will face and work with familiar faces from the Star Wars movies, like Darth Vader, as well as new enemies made just for the game, like Jedi on the run and Force-sensitive Felucians.

#Go to places like the Wookiee homeworld Kashyyyk from Episode III, the flower planet Felucia, the junk planet Raxus Prime, and an Imperial TIE fighter factory.

#The way the story goes will depend on players’ choices during the game. Multiple endings will change the way people think about Star Wars.

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