SOCOM – US Navy SEALs – Fireteam Bravo

SOCOM – US Navy SEALs – Fireteam Bravo is a SEAls Navy Navy game first on the PlayStation Portable platform, supported to play both online and on PSP’s Ad Hoc (a mode that allows multiple players to play together via an internet connection). Although it is also a shooting RPG, Fireteam Bravo supports the shooting system with all types of guns. This is the only game on PlayStation Portable equipped with this feature. It will be especially useful with Sniper type guns. The PlayStation 2 will have two analog controllers, but the PlayStation Portable has only one. So the player must lock the target mode with the R button, then fire. In addition to pistols, regular Sniper has more grenades and ballistic weapons. Maximum in a game screen with 16 people at the same time, can communicate with each other via live voice, this is another great plus with a shooting game. Although the image is not really elaborate, all will be offset by the very attractive main story, the sound is focused and created by the developer. There are also other side missions and modes to help the player’s experience not be boring.

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