Metal Slug Complete

Metal Slug Complete is an RPG, shooting game that attracts a large number of gunmen to join. The game consists of many consecutive maps, and they are only unlocked to continue when the player has passed the previous challenge. At the start of playing your character will own a fairly primitive attack weapon, but the more enemies you kill in succession, the longer your battle passed, your power will be enhanced. Along with possessing modern weapons with great destructive characters will have to face stronger opponents, this will make destroying them is no longer easy but requires a combination of Maneuver dodge bullets and attack smoothly. Besides the interesting experience, to increase the level of experience of the game with new features being released. That is the provision of the console version in this version to help two players in the wireless mode can play together and complete the task. At the same time, the resolution of the graphics has been increased from the standard 240p to 480i resolution (other versions have not been upgraded).

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