Innocent Life – A futuristic Harvest Moon

Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon is the latest installment in the Harvest Moon series. Unlike previous games, the player’s only option when starting the game is the main character’s name. The game is set in 2022 on a little island in the southern hemisphere. The player is cast as a completely new robot – built by Dr. Hopes from Volcano Town – rather than a human teenager as in previous games. Marriage, for example, is not possible at this time. The main goal is to defend the island from destruction by nature’s angry spirits, and the robot will be taught how to develop more human qualities to accomplish this.

Much has changed regarding gameplay compared to previous editions in the series. Many of these modifications are improvements and fixes to previously exploited methods. Strolling through planted crops is one of the game’s most significant enhancements. Seeds are now placed in 1×1 squares rather than the old 9×9 approach, and seeds can be purchased directly individually rather than in bundles of nine. Crops and flowers are no longer damaged if players drop them on the ground for an extended period. Things that grow in the wild can no longer be harvested. A special “Scale Pack” is required to gather them, and only 3kg can be carried at all times.

Crops cultivated in the wild are no longer available daily. They now have defined “regrowth” phases and specific schedules on which the fruits or other items are fully developed and ready to be harvested, just like in real life. Time no longer stops when entering a farm, although it does when entering other people’s homes. At the start of the game, the entire field is no longer open, and it must be enlarged by breaking the seals on it. The story quests and cave exploration provides the gems needed to unlock them. The time sequence has also been altered. Players can now choose to wake up earlier than usual if they go to bed before 21:00 (11:00 PM).

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