Harvest Moon – Sugar Village and Everyone’s Wish

Harvest Moon – Sugar Village and Everyone’s Wish is an intellectual role-playing game. In this game, you will play the role of a young farmer who works according to the task assigned by the goddess to help the village not turn into a tourist area. You need to carry out many challenges such as logging, searching for diamonds, fishing, growing vegetables, raising dairy, etc. Every time you harvest materials, you can sell to make money. Everyone in the village works together to cultivate and exploit it to pay money to prevent the village destroyer from building a tourist area. Besides, you can date the girl you love in the village, dance with her, raise… And eventually, you will have a happy ending when you marry her. Work hard to save your town. The game is designed with warm tones, and the characters are so beautiful. One thing that impresses me most is the “blooming cherry blossom flying in the wind” effect; it is so peaceful and brilliantly.

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