From Russia with Love – 007

007: From Russia with Love is based on the 1963 film starring Sean Connery as James Bond and builds on the qualities of 007: Everything or Nothing. He is dispatched to Istanbul to obtain the Russian decoder machine known as the Lektor from an (allegedly) defecting Russian spy named Tatiana Romanova. On the other hand, the Russians are unaware of this plot since it is a trap set for James Bond by the criminal organization Octopus. It is up to James Bond to capture the device and battle the vicious Rosa Klebb and the lethal assassin Red Grant.

The player advances through linear levels while shooting anything in sight in most of the 18 missions. The player can lock on to an enemy at a distance and cycle between visible enemies or focus closer on a single enemy to bring up opportunistic targets like exposed grenades or gaps in armor. Bond may also use stealth or hand-to-hand combat, essentially quick-time events in which the player must hit a displayed button in a limited time to destroy a foe. Particular tasks can be carried out using equipment such as a laser watch or a miniature remote-controlled helicopter. This method is occasionally spiced up with driving or novel jet-pack routines.

The player is rewarded with bonus points for specific acts, such as succeeding in melee combat or hunting for containers. Three types of issues can be used to unlock different things: supplementary content such as making-of movies, bonus levels, and weapon upgrades. Every weapon and gadget can only be upgraded once in other places.

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