Evangelion-Jo is an action role-playing game based on the plot of the Evangelion remake anime quartet made on the Shin Seiki Evangelion anime series. The plot revolves around the character of Ikari Shinji, who was invited to control a large biological machine called “Evangelion Unit 01,” fighting to protect the world against the giant creatures that attack humans. Coming to Evangelion-Jo, you will experience a mysterious space, all graphics have been upgraded to 3D, completing new twists with EVA apparatus. You will even see famous landscapes of Japan because they are skillfully put into the game by the manufacturer. Now you will control Eva go around a large map until you see the enemy is destroyed. But it’s not so simple, the game continues to give you a series of task lists, a series displayed, created by CGI. For gamers who feel, the gameplay is still the same, but they are overwhelmed by the graphic design and soundtrack of the game. For example, the command center has a science fiction work apparatus, with a huge futuristic screen, the soundtrack follows the depth of each scene, from the lightness in everyday life to magnificence in the fight, then touched for the final scenes, … In short, coming to the action role-playing game this time, you will never be disappointed.
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