Blade Dancer – Lineage of Light

In Blade Dancer, the player assumes control of a young warrior named Shane (referred to as “Lance” in the English text), who journeys to a remote island to further his training to become a formidable fighter. When he arrives, he meets a native named Ferris, and he learns that an army of monsters is besieging Ferris’ people. As a result, Shane makes it his mission to save Ferris’ people and eliminate the monster army.

The role-playing game (RPG) features 3-D battlefields and a “Crafting” system. With the Crafting system, players may mix different objects to make more potent weapons. In addition, the game will save their combinations for future reference and may accommodate up to four players simultaneously through a networking mechanism.

The battles, typical of the genre, take place in confined areas, although they are not initiated at arbitrary intervals. Skulls of varying colors that float throughout the environment trigger fights, and the difficulty level of the battle can be determined by looking at the skull’s color. When outmatched, these skulls can choose whether to pursue the player or retreat and search for additional help. The timing method for turn-based combat is based on the fact that actions can be generated whenever an activity circle reaches its total capacity. Time does not pause, though. Therefore decisions regarding steps need to be made rapidly. It is possible to gain access to unique abilities by filling up a Lunar Gauge, which can affect a single character or the entire group. Weapons degrade over time. The adversaries also employ this strategy in their fight against you.

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