Ben 10 – Ultimate Alien – Cosmic Destruction

During a fight with Forever Knight in a crypt in Rome, Ben suddenly separated from his friend Gwen and Kevin-2. He unexpectedly met Enoch, who gained power from an artifact of aliens. After defeating him, he took the object off Enoch’s body when he suddenly turned into a stone statue. Later, when he was picked up by his friends, he was warned by Jimmy about a cosmic storm approaching the Earth. The group traveled to France to fight to a raging creature, and when they arrived at the Forever Knight Museum, Ben saw the Vreedle Brothers trying to steal an alien artifact. Despite defeating him, Sunder was taking antiques when no one noticed. Ben’s wars were not over.
Ben 10- Ultimate Alien-Cosmic Destruction is a role-playing action game where players will incarnate into a character to fight the enemy. You will not be required to use the character Ben, but instead, the publisher has provided us with 16 heroes such as Ultimate Big Chill, Ultimate Spidermonkey, Ultimate Echo Echo, Ultimate Swampfire, Ultimate Humungousaur,…As you can see, the player has a relatively diverse selection of characters. These heroes are also carefully cared for by the manufacturer, such as tunneling, shooting water rays, releasing radiation, firing electricity, selecting, attacking with wind power, and many other attributes. At the end of a match, you will have some bonus points to be able to upgrade the qualities and skills of the character. The game also has a vast improvement that is the Quick Switch feature helps players can transform the shapes of aliens at a dizzying speed. This switching ability will also bring more diversity to the game because, in a match, you will have to switch states that continue to be able to match the opponent’s attacks. The rhythm of the game will not be too fast. A unique feature of this game is some new alien heroes that have never been before, such as Water Hazard, Armodrillo, AmpFibian, Terrapin. This may appeal to those who are familiar with the old characters.

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