After Burner: Black Falcon is the fourth installment in the After Burner video game series. It was released over fifteen years after the previous installment in the series. It is an action-oriented flying game, similar to the ones that came before, except it is played from a third-person perspective. Not new characteristics include the rapid pace, the ability to take on a large number of foes at once with a combination of hit-scan and lock-on weapons, and the ability to avoid danger by rolling.
There are a total of 24 levels in the game. Billy Blaze, Harrison Duke, and Tomiko Rossellini are the three pilots from which the players can choose to pursue the criminal organization Black Falcon, which has stolen thirteen prototype planes. There are nineteen planes to fly, most of which are jets, and each pilot lends a unique twist to the story. You can give them a new coat of paint or arming them with various things and weapons. The action of the game takes place in locations all over the world, and while the player is in the air, they will experience brief cutscenes involving the pilots. In addition, many things are scattered around the environment that either need to be avoided or blown up. Each mission has a primary aim and optional tasks that can be completed to earn more money for upgrades. As is customary, some formidable bosses are armed with weapons, including EMP.
There is support for up to eight players in the multiplayer mode, which includes both competitive and cooperative modes for two players.