Squeeballs Party

Toys known as Squeeballs are manufactured on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Only Squeeballs that pass stringent quality assurance tests can be sold in retailers. So it’s up to the player, who acts as a tester, to determine which Squeeballs are up to the task.

Squeeballs Party includes almost 150 mini-games. The game consists of eleven types, each with up to fourteen potential challenges (variations). The following are the game types:

10-Pin Bowling – Toss a bowling ball down a lane and knock down the bowling pins with Squeeballs on top.
Cannon – With a racquet, players swat Squeeballs blasted from a cannon.
Cooking – Using motion control movements, players follow recipes to prepare meals.
Squeeball Paint – Slingshot Squeeballs to splatter them onto a canvas with a drawing to fill it in with color.
Shock – Players must use precise movement to maneuver a ring across a shock wire.
Squeeballs flow toward the screen in Stampede, and the player must shoot them before it fills up.
Crazy Lanes is a bowling alley set on a lava lake. Players are given direct control of the bowling ball.
Feeding Frenzy – Players must shoot the right colored Squeeballs into the charging El Toro Squeeballs’ jaws.
Pumping entails players inflating a Snorgle Squeeball with hot air and guiding it toward a goal while it deflates in mid-flight.
Slingshot a Squeeball into the air, then skip it on the water to land on a target.
Squeeball Testing Belt – Inflict various types of damage on Squeeballs as they exit a conveyer belt by using the appropriate motion depending on the Squeeball being tested.
The main gameplay options are available in the Challenge Ladder mode, Single and Party Game modes, and a Head-to-Head format.

The game keeps track of the player’s high scores, statistics (such as how many Squeeballs were tested on), and even character bios for individual Squeeball varieties.

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