Maboshi’s Arcade

The Wii version of the game MaBoShi’s Arcade is a puzzler. There are three games, each based on a different shape: the circle, the bar, and the square. The A button allows you to change the ball’s direction in the circle game, which is how you can attack your opponents. If you wait too long to hit the adversaries, the game is over for you. In the game, using the bar, you must press the A button to move it up the path while simultaneously striking the adversaries. It is the end of the game if the adversaries reach the lowest area of the bar. When playing the fair match, you must use the D-pad to guide the square along the route while avoiding getting it stuck and without allowing any of the other courts to leave the screen.

After achieving level 99 or when the game is over, you can create replays. Through the use of WiiConnect 24, you can send these replays to your pals. The game also enables the use of Miis as avatars within the game and comes with the option to download a version of the game to the Nintendo DS through the DS Download Play service.

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