Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Kindan no Yami no Delt

Taking place during the Future Arc of the Hitman Reborn! serial, the latest game based on the popular franchise features fast and fluid 3D fighting action. As the story goes, a triangular-shaped container called the Delta Box which holds untold power has been opened in the future and agents from the main Mafia families are all in a mad dash to procure it for themselves. Since it is the Future Arc, Tsuna is a powered-up version of himself and this is evident during the first battle against Gokudera. Tsuna can thrust around the battlefield and wallop opponents with explosive attacks. Gokudera’s dynamite-throwing antics just aren’t any match against a firebrand like Tsuna. The 16 fighters in the game are culled from the Hitman mange/anime series and include Yamamoto, Dino, Lambo, Chrome, Hibari, and more. At the outset of the game, a total of 11 fighters are selectable but 5 must be unlocked before they’re playable. Along with one-on-one mission-based battles, teams of fighters also go to war within an expansive 3D battlefield. Hitman Reborn features the “Battle Range System” where attacks may be customized in term of Short, Middle, and Long range offensive moves. The Wii version of the game uses both the Nunchuk and Wii Remote for the controls. The Nunchuk moves the main character while the “Z” button is used to activate a dash move. The “A” button on the Wii Remote sets off an attack and the D-pad centers the camera on the opponent.

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