428: Fūsa Sareta Shibuya de

A person who has been kidnapped, a virus that has gone missing, a girl trying to escape a murderer, and a magazine on the verge of folding. Over just one day, in the neighborhood of Shibuya in Tokyo, four plots and five other people are brought together. Without assistance from outside sources, it is pretty unlikely that these five people would ever be able to achieve their goals or possibly even live through the day.

The role of the player will now be played out. After viewing a film or reading some material, the player is allowed to make options regarding certain characters. Completing a chapter and opening the door to the following one requires all of the characters to be brought to the end of the hour. Some of the information that displays onscreen is color-coded. Players can pick blue text to learn about specific concepts or occurrences, while red text allows them to switch their perspective to another character.

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