Monster Hunter 4


Kick off your Monster Hunter 4 experience as a greenhorn warrior-in-training. Your dream to become an illustrious monster hunter leads you onto a train heading to your destiny town, where you intend to get certified. But oh boy, does your journey take a hair-raising detour! A colossal beast decides to RSVP ‘yes’ to your ride uninvited. Though you muster the courage to battle it, you quickly realize you’re outmatched. Cue the entry of the Ace Hunters—these saviors swat away the creature like a pesky fly. Once you catch your breath and reach the destination, you’re welcomed by a fellow hunter who extends an invitation to join his crew. And there, the real quest begins, my friends!


Start your game, and you’re handed the chisel to carve out your hero. That’s right; you get to customize your character! Monster Hunter 4 doesn’t mess around when it comes to choices. It offers you a dozen—yes, twelve—primary weapons. So whether you’re a hammer fan or more of a lance connoisseur, this game has got you covered. Remember, this isn’t Hogwarts; your wand (weapon) doesn’t choose you; you choose your rod!


Now, listen up because this is a lesson you won’t want to forget: your character won’t get stronger by osmosis or some mysterious magical process. Nope! Strength comes from your gear. Imagine it like attending a black-tie event—you’re only as good as what you wear. Armor and weapons can be crafted from the materials you collect. And oh, get ready for this—it can even be made from the body parts of the monsters you slay! That’s right; defeat a dragon and turn it into fashionable boots!


Your to-do list in Monster Hunter 4 is as long as a CVS receipt. There are various missions to pick from, all with varying objectives. Want to play the hero and slay a monster terrorizing a village? You can! Or maybe you’re the collector type, eager to gather special herbs and ores? The game supports that, too! You can do it in this game if you can think of it. The diversity is like a buffet of action and suspense; boy, we are hungry for more!


But wait, there’s more! Remember that fellow hunter you met after getting off the train? He wasn’t just being friendly; he was inviting you to partake in the joys of teamwork. You can form or join teams within the game because nothing says, “Take that, you scary monster,” like hitting it with coordinated attacks from a synchronized squad. Plus, there’s always that sweet moment when you and your teammates surround a fallen beast and do victory dances. Ah, the power of friendship and pointy weapons!


Last but not least, let’s talk about in-game resources. You’ll gather, collect, and sometimes scavenge to get what you need. These resources aren’t just for show; they are the building blocks for your equipment. From herbs that could make even a grandma jealous to ores that are more precious than the ring from ‘The Lord of the Rings,’ Monster Hunter 4 offers an exhaustive list of items to find, gather, and use.

So, whether you’re looking to become a gallant hunter, a resourceful gatherer, or just someone who wants to make fashionable boots out of dragons, Monster Hunter 4 for the 3DS has something for everyone. It’s an adventure, a job fair, and a crafting workshop all rolled into one digital masterpiece. Now, go out there and claim your destiny, brave hunter!

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