E.X. Troopers


Let’s kick things off with Bren Turner and his gang of youthful fighters, shall we? These guys are off to the army on the planet EDN III, and boy, are they in for a treat. Not long into their space escapade, their ship is ambushed by some bizarre Variable Suits (VS) because why should space travel ever be easy? In comes Coach, who chooses Bren to be the knight in shiny armor, arming him with a cutting-edge VS to save the day. Although Bren does manage to beat the mysterious VS, he finds himself stuck on EDN III, a planet so hospitable it makes the Sahara look like a spa retreat.

The Jack-of-All-Trades: Bren Turner

So, who is Bren Turner? Think of him as a Swiss army knife in human form. He’s not just an up-and-coming warrior but a one-person army. Bright, skilled, and ready to take on the universe, Bren is chosen to don the latest VS technology, transforming him into a mecha superhero. Did I mention that Bren is our eyes and ears throughout the game? That’s right. You’ll pilot Bren from a third-person perspective, giving you a clear field to practice your sprints, acrobatics, and those oh-so-satisfying jetpack-powered maneuvers.

Choose Your Arsenal Wisely

You know what they say: Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. But in E.X. Troopers, feel free to get both! Whether you’re into close-combat slashing or spraying bullets like a ’90s action star, you have an armory full of options. Melee weapons? Check. Machine guns? Double-check. When it comes to arsenal, the game lets you pick your poison and even rewards you for defeating those nasty Akrid critters with experience points to level up Bren’s combat skills. It’s like a buffet, but you’re feasting on weaponry and experience points instead of food.

Planet EDN III: Home Sweet… Uh, Nightmare?

Now, onto the planet where Bren and his buddies end up: EDN III. This place is like Earth if Earth decided it hated people. We’re talking about brutal weather and an indigenous race of creatures known as Akrid, who seem to have attended the “How to Be Terrifying 101” course. The climate is a foe to reckon with, putting your survival skills to the test. So yeah, it’s not exactly a bed of roses, but more of a bush of thorns with a sprinkling of carnivorous monsters.

Mission Mania

The game packs a wallop when it comes to missions. And no, they’re not the “fetch me a cup of sugar” variety. These missions are heart-pounding, action-packed affairs that sometimes allow you to control state-of-the-art VS machinery. It’s like taking the wheel of a Ferrari, but instead of going from 0 to 60, you’re going from “please don’t eat me” to “say hello to my little friend!” Variety is the spice of life, and missions in E.X. Troopers offer a spice rack filled with explosive flavors.

Leveling Up: Get Strong or Go Home

Ah, the age-old game mechanic of gaining experience to level up; it’s as comforting as mom’s apple pie. With each Akrid you defeat, Bren accumulates experience points. These aren’t just your run-of-the-mill “well done, you beat a level” points. Oh no, this helps Bren level up his skills and attributes, turning him from a would-be hero to a bona fide EDN III’s savior. It’s like Bren’s hitting the gym, but instead of dumbbells and protein shakes, it’s experience points and upgraded weapons. So, if you thought Bren was a one-person army before, just wait until you’ve spent a few missions with him.

There you have it, folks. E.X. Troopers offers an immersive experience with a compelling protagonist, a vast array of weaponry, a planet that’ll have you breaking out in a cold sweat, diverse missions, and a leveling-up system that’ll keep you hooked. Who says you can’t have fun while fighting for your life on a hostile planet?

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