3D Galaxy Force II


The galaxy is in deep trouble, not because someone forgot to remove the space trash. Halcyon, the tyrant heading the Fourth Empire, has set his sights on Junos as the final pitstop in his universal tour of destruction. He’s deploying most of his armada with one mission: obliterate all life across Junos’ five planets to create the ultimate throne of power. But fear not, as a hotshot pilot in the Space Federation, you’ve got a sleek TRY-X fighter to flip the script. And here’s the best part— “3D Galaxy Force II” has been revamped in eye-popping 3D, accommodating 16:9 widescreen and even GamePad Pro support. Plus, arcade fans can revel in the nostalgic Arcade Cabinet mode.


Hold on to your space helmets because “3D Galaxy Force II” is a sight! The game has undergone a complete graphical facelift, making it far more visually appealing than its predecessors. Forget the pixelated images of yesteryears; this game now supports 16:9 widescreen format. That means a more extensive, sharper playground to exercise your interstellar maneuvers. Oh, and don’t forget those improved 3D graphics. They are so immersive you’d almost forget you’re not flying a TRY-X. Almost.


Have you ever tried driving a spacefighter with chopsticks? Yeah, we neither, but control is everything in intergalactic warfare, and that’s where GamePad Pro support enters the picture. With its precision controls and ergonomic design, the GamePad Pro ensures you always remain in command of your TRY-X. You can dodge missiles, chase down enemy ships, and quickly navigate nebulous mazes. We’re talking NASA-level controls here. So, if you’ve been fighting your battles like a pinball game, it’s time to step up your game.


I am longing for the days when arcades were the zenith of cool. Time travel isn’t an option, but the game’s Arcade Cabinet Mode is the next best thing. It replicates the look and feel of those bygone cabinets, providing an authentic blast-from-the-past experience. So, grab a roll of quarters (not required, but for that extra nostalgic hit), put on your retro cap, and transport yourself back to simpler times. In this mode, every pixel screams nostalgia, while every sound effect takes you back to a time when high scores were the ultimate bragging rights.


We all know that space empires aren’t constructed in a day or even on a single planet. The game keeps you guessing by giving you five worlds to recapture from Halcyon’s filthy clutches. Each planet, from luscious rainforests to scorching deserts, presents challenges and foes. And, sure, each one has its leaderboard. Consider this your cosmic playground, where you can play bully and recover what is rightly yours—well, the galaxy’s, but who’s counting?


Let’s go serious for a moment. This is more than a game; it’s a call to arms against a monster so heinous that he makes Darth Vader appear like a teddy bear. Halcyon has one goal: to exterminate all life on five planets and create a seat of power from their ashes. Your mission is to leap into your TRY-X and foil his evil schemes. The stakes are significant, and the clock is ticking. But remember, you’re not just any pilot; you’re the Space Federation’s star pilot. And if you’re still not convinced, consider this: no pressure, but the fate of a whole galaxy system is in your hands. So go ahead and save the galaxy; we trust you!

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