
Xevious is a shooting game released by Namco in 1983. At the moment, it is one of the first video games and it is also the first game has been advertised on television. In the game, players will use a spaceship named Solvalou to destroy Xevious forces. Xevious includes those who plotted to invade Earth. The setting of the game is staged very similar to the scenery of tropical islands in reality.

When participating in the game, players will control the Solvalou ship moving flexibly on the screen, can be left, right can also go up and down. Solvalou has two weapons to fight the enemy, the first is the barrage of bullets fired at the flying enemy, the second is an explosive bomb that can be dropped to destroy enemies on the ground. The game is divided into sixteen different play areas, the difficulty will increase gradually through each area, and also meet different enemies. In particular, there are areas of the game that will have to be fought against the Andor Genesis, they will unleash an endless stream of bullets and auto-detonating bombs called Zakatos. To destroy this enemy, the player can destroy all four blaster tanks – their energy source or simply destroy the core in the center to defeat it. Some areas of the game will have hidden towers called the Sol Citadel, which are lands that the enemy has captured. When moving through these areas, the Solvalou ship will be in danger, the player can recognize this when the ship flashes red on the screen. Destroy those towers, using the ship’s second weapon, the bomb. Special items such as a yellow flag and blood clots will drop when destroying enemy troops. The player collecting it will strengthen the ship as the firepower of bullets and bombs will be stronger. The game becomes more and more difficult as players become more proficient if done well to kill a certain type of enemy, a more advanced type of enemies will replace it. To overcome this, players will have to destroy the flashing red Zolback radar found on the ground, which will make more advanced enemies replace them with easier ones. When you complete 70% of the area, if the ship is destroyed then you will start playing again in the next area.

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