Super Mario Bros. DX

Super Mario Bros. DX

The aim of the project is to modernize the look of classic Super Mario Bros while remaining within the limits of the original programming and ROM size. There are no ASM hacks and no expanding the ROM–and no mapper! Just brand new pixel art (and a few things borrowed from later Mario games), palette edits, and metatile rearrangement. You can enjoy the original game with a fresh coat of paint, or try combining it with map or gameplay hacks that don’t change the graphics too much!

First released on IRC and message boards in 1997, this graphical facelift project is celebrating 25 years! Super Mario Bros DX has evolved a lot since its early days of shading some background elements and porting sprites from Super Mario Bros 3, so come see what’s new! Check back occasionally, because there will be LOTS of fun extras added between now and 2024 (which will mark 25 years from the project’s landmark v1.0 release on Zophar’s Domain).

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