Saiyuuki World II: Tenjoukai no Majin

Saiyuuki World II: Tenjoukai no Majin

You play as Sun Wukong, and you go around bashing things with a big stick while searching various Realms for elemental orbs. Or something similar, anyway. The game’s story is baned on the famous Chinese novel Journey to the West.

Action is typical platform fare, although the controls for aiming the monkey’s stick take some getting used to. I see no reason you should -have- to jump in order to thrust upwards with it. The graphics are suitably cartoony, decent for their time, although the title screen looks like something out of 1986 and the music could use some help. The expression on the monkey’s face when he takes a hit is classic, though.

This was released in the United States as “Whomp ‘Em”. The main character was changed into a Native American kid, the Buddha was changed into a totem pole, and some other graphics are changed.

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