
Renegade is an immersive action game developed by Technos Japan and distributed by Taito in 1986. The plot revolves around a boy named K on his journey to rescue his girlfriend. In the fall, K and his girlfriend travel together. On the way, his girlfriend was arrested by an organization that specializes in kidnapping women by an unknown boss. He will have to confront four different gangs in the kidnapping organization to save his girlfriend. To make the game more interesting, Technos designed the scene in the game based on the inspiration from the film Warrior 1979.

When entering the game, the player will control K, who must fight with multiple street gangs on the way to save his girlfriend. At this point, the game’s controls are considered to be the most flexible and advanced. Includes a joystick that allows the character to move in eight directions, very different from similar games that can only be moved in four directions. And three action buttons like left attack, jump and right attack. If you press the joystick left or right twice, the character will quickly switch to running state. At that time, you press the front attack button, then K will make a punch while running. Doing the same thing with the jump button will make the character perform a kick in the air. If the enemy is stunned and falls, take advantage of the opportunity and attack them because at this time the enemy will fall into a state of exhaustion.

Renegade consists of four levels of play corresponding to four gangs. In levels one and three, characters will work the same way. Enemies in each level will usually appear three times, and there will be a boss at the end of each level. The final boss fights like other enemies in the game except that he has a gun and can kill the player immediately. Level two has enemies riding motorcycles, they will only be defeated by one kick. Level four is the most difficult level and has the ability to make players feel uncomfortable. Because the player must move in a maze. Most enemies in the game have different looks, all of them have the same basic behavior. If there are at least two enemies on the screen, one is on the left of the player and the other is on the right. Some enemies have less HP but carry weapons like chains or knives, they will deal more damage and the player cannot pick up weapons from defeated enemies.

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