
Rampage is a game revolving around the task of destroying the city of three monsters, George, Lizzie, and Ralph created from mutant humans in testing at Scumlabs. The game was released by Bally Midway in 1986. The game supports up to 3 players at once. Each person will play one of the three monsters to complete the task.

When the player chooses a single-player mode, the player chooses a monster and begins its journey. First, it will strike California, USA. Players will control their monsters to jump in between buildings and destroy them with punches. While attacking, they can eat any dish that they find in the building. However, humans will not leave it so destructive. It will be attacked continuously by snipers, helicopters and tanks. The monster’s HP and power will be reduced before such attacks. In order to regain strength, it will have to eat the fruit and sometimes the whole person to continue the journey of destruction. When the monster’s stamina limit reaches its maximum, it will transform into a human and lose a life. This is very dangerous for it because it can be attacked by other monsters in the game. Always make sure the number of lives available will help players continue their journey.

The game will become more attractive when players with two companions join in destroying the city. Each player will choose a monster that he wants to experience. Their mission is still to attack buildings and people to complete the levels. However, with a three-player mode, monsters can communicate and attack each other. Even monsters can eat each other to regain their physical strength. Players possessing predatory monsters will continue to return to the city but will lose points. During the destruction of buildings, players can collect some useful items for monsters like food and money. But not all items are safe for them. Bombs, electrical equipment and cigarettes can destroy it when it is used. Each monster can detain a person to avoid having them call for help. For example, George – a gorilla can arrest a woman, Lizzie – a dinosaur will arrest a man and Ralph captures a businessman. After destroying a city, all 3 monsters will be taken to other cities to destroy. The game ends when the player destroys the last city of Plano, Illinois.

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