P.O.W.: Prisoners of War

POW’s main character: Prisoners of War is a prisoner who is displeased to be the only one who has the will left after the war in when others were collapsed. He fought to escape from the prison and destroy all the obstructing enemies. There are a total of four battle stages that the captives must overcome. He must fight to escape from the prison in the jungle, invade industrial facilities, attack guerrillas in the forest, and then invade the enemy’s base. The game ends when he destroys all enemies and regains his freedom.

Starting the game, you will control your character and find a way to escape from prison. Players can move characters with the eight-way joystick and three action buttons to punch, kick and jump. In addition, players can combine buttons to create combo chains that cause more damage. Combo sequences include simultaneous jump and kick: the prisoner will be in the air, jumping and punching. The prisoner will punch at the back of the enemy, punching and kicking: the prisoner will attack with his head. Every time an enemy is defeated, the player can pick up that enemy’s weapon to fight, be it a knife or a machine gun. The control buttons will also change when the player uses another weapon. When you hold a gun, the kick button will take effect firing enemies and the punch button will take off weapons to preserve ammunition. Similar to when using a knife, players can throw knives with stone buttons and store knives with the punch button. Using and conserving weapons wisely makes the game easier.

Characters have up to four points of life and players need the best character protection to continue the game. Whenever hit by an enemy, the character loses a life point. Players can restore life points by collecting support items dropped during the move. If there are no more life points, the game will end and start over. In addition, there are many other power-up items in the game for players to use. After each large stage, the player will have to fight the boss of that stage. They will be very dangerous enemies like helicopters, tanks or giants. However, players can collect and use weapons appropriately to defeat them easily.

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