Operation Wolf

Operation Wolf is a shooting game released in 1987 by Taito for Nintendo. You will transform into a soldier in special forces Roy Adams. Your mission will be to rescue 5 hearts being held in enemy bases. The game is divided into 6 stages. When completing the mission at the first stage, the character will capture one of the enemies’ minions. Commander Adams will interrogate this name to find out where the hostages are being held. You will complete the stages sequentially according to the instructions of the system. This is also one of the first games to have a story.

To complete the mission of each level, you will have to destroy each number of enemy soldiers and their vehicles. The number you need to destroy will increase as you go to the next level. Transportation means include trucks, boats, helicopters and armored tanks. You will start the game with a limited number of ammunition and grenades. However, you can increase the number of bullets by collecting items that fall out when destroying enemies. Or their means of transportation. The bomb has the greatest damage, it will destroy all enemies in the explosion range. You will lose a large amount of hp if you stand within the damage of the bomb. In addition, you can increase your shooting ability by picking up the bullets dropped when destroying enemies. These types of bullets allow you to fire continuously and unlimitedly in number. However, after 10 seconds the validity of these bullets will disappear.

Enemies will attack you with guns, knives, grenades, mortars, bazookas, and rockets. In addition to guns, the remaining weapons can attack you from the sky. Avoid enemy attacks if you don’t want to end the game too early. When shooting non-damaging targets like a nurse, you will pick up items that regain HP. Additionally, you can increase the character’s HP after completing a number of missions.
After you have rescued the hostages, you will come to the final stage is the airport map. Players will have to protect the hostages from attacks of the enemy to come to the rescue plane on the runway. Once escorted hostage on the board, the player will face the final challenge. You will have to confront 2 tanks and 2 planes to protect the aircraft. After killing all, you will return to the gathering place with bonus points depending on the number of hostages that you have rescued. You will lose if all hostages are killed or the hp bar is depleted, you will have to play again from the first level.

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