
Similar to the previous versions, Centipede, Millipede retains the role-playing action game. But this time, players no longer assume the role of Bug Blaster like the previous version, but instead, the role of a mushroom farmer called Archer. To support the family’s economy, he planted every garden with mushrooms. However, the farmer’s mushroom garden is always put in a dangerous situation. Insects will invariably attack crops, greatly affecting the work of the farmers.

When entering the game, you will play the farmer with the main weapon is a rifle. You will only be allowed to move flexibly eight directions in gray soil. The goal of the game is to kill the centipedes that come down from the top of the screen. The centipede moves horizontally until it hits an obstacle or reaches the edge of the screen, then it falls in a row and reverses direction. On the way if it moves, it will be hit by the player’s bullet, then the centipede’s body will be divided into two. And the back will grow and the top of itself. If the player lets the centipede enter its gray area, it will be there and the extra heads appear for a period of time until both of them and the centipede are destroyed. A collision with the enemy in your gray ground will cost the player to pay the price. The centipedes inside Millipede move faster, more dangerous and its head is harder to attack than in the previous version. In addition to centipede players also face a lot of other dangerous insects. The beetle replaces the scorpion from Centipede, making the mushrooms poisonous so the centipede eats the mushroom choking and no longer follows the top-down sequence, which flows straight to the bottom of the screen. Spiders move in a zigzag pattern throughout the player’s garden and eat mushrooms. At higher levels, more spiders will appear. The ladybirds crawl around the player area for a while, then climb up and leave the screen, turning any fungus they touch into indestructible flowers. On each of your gardens will be bombed, players will activate when fired on. Exploding bombs will destroy all enemies within the explosion radius and mushrooms located in the area are also destroyed accordingly. You try to protect your mushroom garden well, to have a good harvest

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