Mighty Bomb Jack

Mighty Bomb Jack is an adventure action game released by Tecmo released for Nintendo in 1986. The game revolves around the main character is Jack. A vicious demon named Belzebut attacked the Parera royal pyramid. He used some of his magic to make a gust of wind appear. After the wind passed, all the people in the pyramid had disappeared. During the incident, Jack is going on a mission assigned by the king so luck does not disappear. Jack’s mission is to look for water in the desert. After finding the water source, he returned to the pyramid to report back to the king. However, when he returned, everyone was gone. Now he met a soldier who was lucky to escape from this incident. This soldier witnessed the whole incident of the evil demon Belzebut’s attack. He informed Jack that the one who attacked the pyramid was Belzebut. With the current power of Jack, he could not defeat Belzebut to rescue the king. Later, Jack went to find someone who taught him to learn skills to be able to confront the enemy. Jack will break into the abode of the evil demon Belzebu to defeat him and rescue the people of the Parera royal family he was taken away.

Like other Nintendo action games, Mighty Bomb Jack includes many different levels with increasing difficulty. Specifically, the game consists of 16 levels in space that is inside a pyramid with many enemies and traps. At each level, the game is divided into 2 parts. Part of the action area is composed of enemies and part contains the pitfalls that players need to overcome. After defeating the enemy, they will drop treasure chests that are containing items and powers. You can get gold bags from treasure chests, HP recovery items… Also, when you open the chest you’ll be lucky to receive blue items. When using this blue item, all enemies will be destroyed and they will drop gold. Use gold to buy items to support you during the game to help you complete the task more easily.

After completing the first 15 levels, you will come to the last level and fight Belzebu. You will win the game after defeating him. In addition, the game also has the feature to save your playing progress. This helps players continue their progress instead of starting over again. Save your progress after passing a level.

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