Mario 16

Mario 16

Mario 16 is a hack of Joe & Mac and was released on the Famicom and NES.
Like most hacks, the title screen and player graphics were altered, to incorporate graphics from Super Mario Bros. 3. Joe’s sprites were replaced with those of Mario’s. Most other sprites and tiles in the game are identical. The palettes were not altered, however, and so the colors are noticeably off.

Mario starts with 10 lives (unlike 3 in the original). The game was released in 1993 and rereleased in 1996.

There is an alternate version of the game titled Mario Super Jurassk Park. It alters the title screen to feature the Jurassic Park logo (misspelled as “Jurassk Park”) in place of Mario, and replaces the “16” with a strange graphic of Mario’s head.

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