Mach Rider

Mach Rider is an adventure action game developed and released by Nintendo in 1985. In the future, the Earth has been invaded by Cruel forces come from outside the universe. These forces control modern machines and weapons far beyond human comprehension. Everywhere they go, everything is destroyed, and killing happens everywhere. In the game, the player controls a character named Mach Rider. You will control the character from one area to another to destroy enemies and search for survivors in your car.
At the beginning of the game, the character will be equipped with a machine gun used to destroy enemies and obstacles along the way. After defeating enemies or obstacles, you will get some points. The number of points you receive depends on the type of enemy and the obstacles the player destroys. If the player kills an enemy by crashing into them, the score will be higher than destroying the enemy with a machine gun. However, if you crash into an obstacle, the speed of the vehicle will slow down, and the character will lose some HP. The points you earn will be used to buy more bullets for machine guns and buy more lives at the store after passing a level.

Like many other Nintendo games, Mach Rider is divided into three game modes with three tasks that players need to overcome. Each mode is divided into several levels with increasing difficulty. The mode of the game includes battle mode, endurance mode, solo mode. The battle mode follows the story of the game. You will control Mach Rider through 10 areas and try to be destroyed by enemies and obstacles. If you let a character get hit by an enemy or get hit by a large obstacle, he will explode. Characters will revive when the number of lives is greater than 1. The game will end when the character runs out of life. However, the game does not end in this mode. After passing all ten levels, ten new levels will appear. The new levels will be different from the old levels.
For endurance mode, players will have to overcome a certain distance within the time allowed. During this time, enemies and obstacles will appear to hinder your process. In solo mode, the game is like a racing game. You will complete the required distance of the game within the time allowed. However, different from endurance mode, the solo mode will not have enemies appear, but only obstacles that hinder the way.

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