LaSalle Ishii’s Childs Quest

LaSalle Ishii's Childs Quest

LaSalle Ishii no Child’s Quest is an absolutely bizarre parody RPG where you become the Manager of an up-and-coming new band. Your task is to tour the world, training and preparing your band to hold concerts in order to become famous. The task is not that simple. Along the journey, you have to do battle with rude people or creatures using your TALKing Power. Use your kind words to turn them into fans of your band. Instead of magic, you can learn “Managic” to heal yourself or unleash powerful blasts of kindness upon your enemies. You could be up against anything in battle from frogs, senior citizens, serial killers, barf, news reporters, mailboxes, pieces of cloth, chimera cows, and even a bottle of syrup! Keep in mind that this wacky parody RPG in a modern setting was released BEFORE the famous MOTHER (EarthBound Zero/Beginnings).

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