After Burner

After Burner is an action game released on Nintendo in 1987 by Yu Suzuki. The game simulates a fight between jets and other modern weapons. Players will control their own aircraft to fight against enemies. There are eighteen levels that players must pass. Their mission is to try to destroy as many enemies as possible.

The game was released with two major versions. In the arcade version, players can flexibly control their aircraft flexibly. Starting the game, players will depart on their aircraft from a carrier named SEGA Enterprise. Players’ aircraft will be equipped with machine guns and heat-seeking missiles. The amount of ammunition for a machine gun is unlimited but the number of missiles will be limited (The rocket will not be limited in the Master System version). At the first levels, the enemy aircraft will appear individually. The higher the level, the greater the number of enemies and they will appear in groups. Players can kill enemies by shooting machine guns or heat-seeking missiles correctly. Every time an enemy aircraft is destroyed, they will have a drop rate of items that help your aircraft upgrade power and missiles. There are two types of power-up items: ammunition and missiles. Collecting ammunition boxes will increase the power of machine guns and rockets to increase the number of heat-resistant missiles. The increased power of machine guns will expire after a certain amount of time. Collecting items continuously helps increase the duration and upgrade weapons to higher power stages. In addition to the traditional flight, players can control the plane to fly vertically or continuously.

For the variant, the driver’s seat is rotated horizontally and the cockpit rotates vertically. At the same time, the seat belt is tightened to hold the pilot when the plane tumbles. With the scoring mechanism, the player’s plane will not be destroyed or damaged. The score will be accumulated with each enemy destroyed. After the player has passed the final boss of each level, points will be accumulated. The gameplay process is automatically saved by the system, players can return to the level they have passed at any time. Try to destroy as many enemies as possible to become the winner.

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