
When mentioning the name Tetris, many people will immediately realize that it is the name of a series of games familiar with the genre that belongs to the falling block puzzle. And Tetrisphere is also one of the versions of this series. However, this version has really made a difference, breaking through all the barriers of the previous Tetris versions. It is integrated with six basic game modes, including Practice Mode, Hide and Seek, Time Trial, Puzzle, Vs., and the name that makes the difference for this game – Rescue. In Rescue, a sphere will be placed in a 3D space. It is made up of the usual blocks that you can see in previous games, including four small squares for each block, called Tetrominoes. By arranging them so that there are at least three adjacent blocks, they can explode and disappear shortly afterward. In turn, the player will destroy the outer covering of the sphere. The ultimate goal of the game is not about to completely destroy the outer shell, but just destroy a certain area so that the robot inside can get outside. Tetrisphere was developed by H2O Entertainment and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 platform.

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