Pokémon: Mirage of Tales The Ages of Faith

Pokémon: Mirage of Tales The Ages of Faith

Peace has been spreading around the world for a considerable amount of time. Suddenly, there are omens of doom everywhere you look. There will inevitably be wars. This video game focuses mostly on three different protagonists. You are able to play through the story of each of them and learn how they are involved with these wars, how they keep themselves and their people safe, and how they overcome the challenges that stand in their way. You are going to get involved in an epic battle, a political argument, and a holy war between two opposing groups. It’s safe to assume that there won’t be any options for retreating, right?


  • Prince Evandor, Princess Zhafira, and Kala the Slave are each unique personalities with their own narratives.
  • You are able to accumulate points toward in-game rewards through the operation of the Finance Chamber. You gain three points with each passing year. You can collect a dividend from the bank when you have enough points, gain access to stronger Pokemon, have more opportunities to train, and have nicer items in your city when you have enough points.
  • The Alignment System determines the moral compass of your character, ranking them as either Good, Neutral, or Evil. Your choices while you’re playing will determine this.
  • The Strategy Map is a dynamic representation of the game world that players may interact with. Make your way around with the cursor to investigate what’s going on in each section. It is almost certain that you will utilize it quite frequently in the Council Chambers to make decisions regarding travel, military strategy, and other matters.
  • This video game has sprites, graphics, and soundtracks that are all appropriate for the setting of a Middle Eastern country.
  • The decisions you make while playing will determine how much influence you have.
  • There is no Pokedex, no Pokeballs, and there is no PC.
  • PokeStops have been transformed into Holy Temples dedicated to a variety of deities.
  • There are Pokémon that can be ridden. There is no requirement to have a bike here as this is not the appropriate season for it.
  • With the use of the Extension item, the maximum number of Pokemon that can be in your party at once is increased to 12.
  • A large number of freshly individualized things.
  • Separation of Physical and Special Needs.
  • From Generation IV to Generation V to Generation VI, there are new moves, new abilities, and a new fighting engine.

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