Pokémon Malosse Challenge

Pokémon Malosse Challenge

Small modification of a Pokémon Fire Red Version Rom.

– You start the game with Malosse.
– Many Pokémon added (all Starters and 2G and 3G Pokémon hidden in the game).
– Level of rival, arena champions and league increased.

Information relating to Pokémon evolutions that have changed:

– Gravalanch Lv 40 > Golem.
– Kadabra Lv 40 > Alakazam.
– Spectrum Lv 40 > Ectoplasm.
– Machopeur Lv 40 > Machamp.
– Porygon Lv 35 > Porygon 2.

– Tartard + Stone Water > Tarpaud.
– Flagados + Stone Water > Roigada.
– Hypocean + Water Stone > Hyporoi.
– Eevee + Moon Stone > Noctali.
– Eevee + Sun Stone > Mentali.

– Insectator + Happiness > Scizor.
– Onix + Happiness > Steelix.

Update 2:

– Carmine sur Mer Arena debugged.
– Olga back in her arena.

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